
校园 & 社区资源


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There are several scholarships created for students on the U of I campus.



Learn how you can help the 女性中心 by contributing to our blog, 举办活动并分享你的经验.



注册获取妇女中心的最新信息, including the weekly newsletter to stay informed about upcoming events, 行动主义的项目和机会.



  • 议院暴力的替代方案 – Help for victims and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
  • 莫斯科妇女选民联盟 – The League of Women Voters of Moscow is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.
  • 莫斯科妇女捐赠会 – The Giving Circle is a group of women who care deeply about our community of Moscow, 爱达荷州, 并致力于使它成为一个美好的居住地. 把我们的钱集中起来, we fund efforts that improve life for residents of our community and Latah County, 解决本地环境问题, 加强社区资源.
  • Ombuds办公室 - Promoting and supporting a positive and productive working, learning and living environment for the entire Vandal community by improving communication, addressing problems and preventing and resolving conflicts that emerge within the university.
  • 伊利诺伊大学妇女与性别研究项目 – Offering a minor in the interdisciplinary program that helps women and men understand the role that gender has in our society as well as globally.
  • 预防暴力项目 -致力于个人、校园和社区安全.
  • 华盛顿州立大学妇女研究系 – Women's studies is an interdisciplinary field of research and teaching that places gender and women at the center of inquiry.
  • WSU妇女资源中心 – The mission of the Women’s Resource Center is to facilitate a work and learning environment at Washington State University that supports the success and empowerment of all women students, 教职员工, 无论是作为个人还是作为一个社区.

The Women’s Center is thrilled to be able to count on many longtime friends and supporters who partner with us to promote our mission of advocating for gender equity on campus and in the community. In 2023, we created the Feminist Champion Award to recognize local area businesses and organizations who’ve demonstrated outstanding support of our outreach and activities. We are proud to present this award in recognition and appreciation of their continued efforts to help make the greater Palouse area a more welcoming and inclusive place for individuals of all gender identities and experiences. 访问他们的网站了解更多.


  • 美国大学妇女协会(AAUW)
  • 意识到 ——武装妇女防止强奸 & Endangerment; a great site that offers great educational resources about personal safety for women. 该组织还提供自卫课程.
  • 受虐妇女支援服务 - A group that provides support for women who have experienced abuse, and also promotes advocacy to prevent violence against women.
  • 多数女权主义基金会 - An organization that fights for women's rights around the world and crusades for equality in reproductive health issues.
  • 全球妇女基金 - A group that provides grants and funding to women's groups that aid in eliminating poverty and violence.
  • METRAC - The Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children; a Canadian non-profit that aims to end violence against women and children.
  • Ms. 基金会 -该组织资助和促进妇女的行动主义, and helped launch the famous Take Our Daughters To Work Day.
  • 联合国妇女 - The United Nations group that promoted gender equality throughout the world.

  • 爱达荷州ALCP -爱达荷州的美国公民自由联盟是无党派的, non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of civil liberties and civil rights.
  • 人权教育研究所 – The 人权教育研究所 offers proactive education programs that teach human rights, 验收, 尊重多样性, 文化上的谦逊.
  • 爱达荷州反性联盟 & 家庭暴力 – The 爱达荷州 Coalition works to reclaim our connection to our own and each other’s humanity, and to create the foundation for collective liberation and thriving by embodying four approaches across our organizational work: community-centered solutions; transformation of the response to violence; collective thriving; and mobilizing across movements.

  • 庆祝女性作家 — An amazing collection of women authors throughout history; searchable by name, 时间, 国家和民族.
  • 游击队的女孩 -一种乐趣, alternative feminist group that uses humor and facts spread advocacy — all while wearing gorilla masks.
  • 珍妮特·兰金基金会 — A non-profit that raises money to award scholarships to low-income students over the age of 35 who wish to further their educations.
  • 斯波坎的NAACP — The NAACP Spokane Branch has been protecting and expanding the rights of marginalized people for over 100 years by prioritizing education, 刑事司法需要, 公民参与, 还有更多.
  • 全国家庭暴力热线 — A number for women to call if they have been victims of dating or domestic violence.
  • 瑞恩 -强奸,虐待 & Incest National Network; provides assistance and resources for women who are victims of sexual abuse.
  • 石墙健康计划 – The 石墙健康计划 is a regional HIV prevention program addressing the physical, psychological and emotional health of men who have sex with men, 影响性决定, 提倡健康的选择和肯定个人的性行为.
  • 妇女的健康 — Government site dedicated to the latest news and facts on issues important to women's health.






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