College of Law

Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
Admissions: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709


Physical Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Mailing Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176


Family Justice Clinic

Through a partnership with Faces of Hope Foundation, 家庭司法诊所为法律系学生提供发展法律技能的机会,同时为人际暴力的幸存者提供免费的法律援助.

About the Clinic

大学三年级的学生可以在课堂上学习,并帮助家庭暴力和性暴力幸存者的充分代表. From the initial application, 面谈和起草诉状,与对方律师谈判和审判, 学生处理客户民事案件的各个方面.

通过与希望之脸基金会合作, 学生也有机会与其他专业人士接触,为那些受到人际暴力影响的人辩护, 包括博伊西警察局的一个特别受害者小组, 与卫生和福利部一起调查虐待儿童问题, medical professionals with St. Luke's and St. 阿方索斯,受害者辩护律师,辅导员和其他许多人. 学生不仅可以获得真实的法律经验,还可以在我们的社区中帮助处于危机中的家庭. 

In my time at the Family Justice Clinic, I have not only developed practical skills, 但我也变成了一个更善解人意的人. Law school prepared you to navigate the law; it does not prepare you to look into your client's eyes and connect with them on a human-to-human level. 这是倡导的重要组成部分,也是我在家庭司法诊所学到的. 我很感激能成为伊利诺伊大学和脸谱网合作的一部分. Nina Marcello, 3L Student Spring 2023

Learning Goals

家庭司法诊所(FJC)成立的目的是为3L学生提供真实的法律经验,同时满足社区的重要需求,为陷入人际暴力的低收入家庭提供无偿法律代理. FJC是一家全职诊所,有8名3L学生在爱达荷州最高法院颁发的有限执照下运作,由一名有执照的律师临床主任监督.


  • critical thinking about their cases, analyzing client's legal interests, 并制定案件计划来满足这些利益.
  • 进行事实调查,包括采访客户, parties and witnesses, 起草并回应正式的证据开示请求.
  • managing a caseload; maintaining paper and electronic files; keeping a calendar, time tracking, managing time efficiently; prioritizing cases and client needs; and maintaining a balance between a caseload, course work and private life.
  • 与客户进行书面和口头沟通和宣传, opposing counsel, parties, and the court.
  • 在实体法和法庭程序方面,使他们能够在民事保护听证会和包括离婚和儿童监护在内的家庭法诉讼中称职地代表客户.
  • 分析和应用专业责任作为法律专业的许可成员.
  • collaborating with law enforcement, counselors, 为预防和服务家庭暴力受害者而工作的医疗专业人员和其他倡导者. 

Student Work Assignments

客户工作由学生在Merritt Dublin教授的密切监督下完成,并得到临床支持协调员的法律支持, Amelia Wheelen. The clinic operates as a law firm. 案件由学生在管理律师的监督下进行面谈. When a case is selected for representation, a student is assigned to the case, obtains a client representation agreement, 并制定一个案例计划来满足客户的目标. With supervision, 学生带头对他们的案例进行研究, drafting, factual investigation, formal discovery, motion and evidentiary hearings, and trials, according to case demands. 

Student Applicants

学生必须是3l,信誉良好,需要通过爱达荷州律师协会申请并获得有限执照的批准. Students must submit an application, 求职信和简历,说明春季申请期间对家庭司法诊所的兴趣. 

诊所信息会举行,并接受申请的临床实习在早春, and are reviewed on a rolling basis. 这些职位将一直开放,直到所有职位都被填满. 全年的申请将优先考虑. 在家庭司法诊所注册的学生可能不参加一个学期的实践,但可以参加暑期实习和无偿实习.


需要帮助以逃避家庭暴力和寻求保护的个人, may contact Faces of Hope at

You may also contact us directly by submitting this application

Merritt Dublin

Director of the Family Justice Clinic & Instructor

Faces of Hope / Front St. 338


Location: Boise
Courses Taught: Family Justice Clinic
View Merritt Dublin's profile

College of Law

Physical Address:
Menard 101
711 S. Rayburn Drive

Mailing Address:
College of Law
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2321
Moscow, ID 83844-2321

Main Office: 208-885-2255
Admissions: 208-885-2300
Legal Clinic: 208-885-6541
Office of the Dean: 208-364-4620

Fax: 208-885-5709


Physical Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Mailing Address:
501 W Front St,
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-885-2255

Fax: 208-334-2176
